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American Bully Puppies

Urgent Priority listingPrivate seller

American Bully Puppies looking for their new homes

@ 6 weeks of age (photo)
Released by November

Male and female availabulls!

Pedigree available upon request
Ear cropping can be negotiated
We can also ship nationwide see our page for proofs
Puppies can be visited personally November onwards
Paperworks: ABKC

Talk to us now and let’s make a deal! Early Christmas gift for you and your loved ones
You can reach us thru
Facebook: Troopersbully
Instagram: Troopersbully
Contact #: 09178800166

Thanks for viewing our ads! Godbless!

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Interested in chatting? You can call or text the seller directly by using the information below. Ensure you have fully read the listing to prevent asking the seller a question that has already been answered!

Be smart and safe.

Phone numberMDkxNzg4MDAxNjY=
Account typePrivate seller
LocationCabanatuan, NUEVA-ECIJA 3100
MapShow map
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